
Thoughts of a messed up Christian saved by God's grace

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Grammys, Soap Operas, and double standards

Everyone, including myself, was disgusted by this past week-end's Grammy awards, where a song mocking the Bible and a traditional view of marriage was played, while several couples were married...... including same-sex couples. And no, I didn't watch the Grammys. I read about it, and heard people talk about it who had watched it.

  Before I crawl up on my soapbox, let me make a couple of things clear:
1) Homosexuality is wrong. Period. God said so in His Word.

2) Gay marriage will be bad for so many reasons. And it is going against God's ideal, and only plan for marriage: One man and one woman.

  That said, I think the church has already lost the battle for traditional marriage. I heard a Christian comedian make this statement: "We are so worried that gay marriage is going to ruin the sanctity of marriage, but we heterosexuals did that long ago with sex outside of marriage, divorce, and abortion."

  There is a gay agenda that needs to be stood against. I just saw where a kid's show on Disney was going to have a lesbian couple on it..... and what other reason would there be for that, than to indoctrinate young minds that gay is OK. That is sad, and people SHOULD be upset about it.

 But why are we Christians so against homosexuality being portrayed on TV and elsewhere, but OK with heterosexual immorality? Many of the same people who had a problem with the gay weddings on the Grammys feed their minds on soap operas, which are nothing more than drama centered around adulterous relationships and fornication - which is sex outside of marriage. Why is no one bothered by those immoral acts? And they are immoral. The same Bible that says homosexuality is wrong, says any sex outside of marriage is wrong.

  TV didn't used to be that way. In the 50's on the popular I Love Lucy Show, Lucy and Ricky were shown sleeping in separate beds, and even though Lucille Ball's character on the show was pregnant and gave birth at the same time she did in real life, CBS was reluctant to use the word "pregnant" or show her obvious condition on TV...... wow. How far we have come.

  So there was a time when they started having couples cheat on each other, have sex outside of marriage.... where was the outrage from Christians and other moral people?

  A few years back, the first ever gay themed movie to be shown in movie theaters, Brokeback Mountain, caused a big stir. Churches boycotted theaters that showed it. Articles were written against it, it was mentioned in sermons, and Christians all across America were outraged.

  From what I heard about the movie, there wasn't much nudity, and other than the fact that two men, one of them married, carried on a gay affair, there wasn't much objectionable about it, other than the gay theme. Does that make it OK? No.

 But here is what I find ironic, and a double standard: There are countless movies out there that have nothing pertaining to homosexuality in them, that have a lot of nudity, bad language, terrible sinful themes in them, and no one cares. No church boycotts the theaters. In fact, I would wager a guess that many of the same people who boycotted theaters that showed Brokeback Mountain, watched movies with more nudity, sin, and bad language in than were in Brokeback Mountain.

  The gay agenda is bad for America. They don't just want tolerance. They want total acceptance. They won't be happy until commercials and ads show gay couples, kids are taught its normal in school from Kindergarten on up, til it is illegal to say it is wrong, til preachers have to marry them.......they won't be happy until it is completely normalized, and no one speaks out against it.

  Just like heterosexual immorality.

  That changed the whole fabric of society. Now people are mocked who wait til marriage for sex. Its unusual for couples to stay married for very many of years, and couples jump ship the second they don't get their way. Teenagers in school are handed condoms and encouraged to have sex, instead of saving themselves for marriage.

  TV has been filled with nudity, sex, adultery, and all kinds of sin and filth long before Will and Grace, Queer as Folk, and the more recent Grammys ordeal happened...... and from all signs, Christians were fine with that. But according to the Bible, all immorality is sin. The couple shacking up is in just as much danger of missing heaven as the 2 guys shacking up.

  So why are we so outraged by one, and not the other? According to the Bible, both are wrong. Why do we have no problem being kind to a heterosexual couple who are shacking up, but act so hateful towards a gay couple? Should we not love both? Should we not find them both sinful and immoral, but still people God loves and can redeem?

 I support bakers who don't want to bake cakes for gay weddings, photographers who don't want to photograph gay weddings, and wonder why a couple would even want someone to do something important for their wedding who doesn't want to and is only doing it to avoid a lawsuit..... although I suspect they have their reasons, and it has nothing to do with the good work those people do. It is about forcing people to accept their lifestyle, of making examples of Christians who won't give in. I don't know what the answers are to those situations, but I cannot do like some Christians and go against people for standing up for their beliefs.

  I do believe we have already lost the battle. We have sat idly by and allowed Hollywood to put all kinds of immorality on for everyone to see. It is too late to do something about it when something we think is a worse sin comes on display.

  We have elected politicians who are anti-God, anti-Christian, and even anti-America, who in turn put in the same kind of judges..... then we are surprised when they legalize killing babies and same-sex marriage.

  Had Christians voted for candidates who lived by the Bible, or as close to it as possible, had stood up to Hollywood when they started introducing immorality, had prayed more, been more involved.... we wouldn't be facing gay marriage today. Abortion wouldn't be legal. It would be normal to wait for marriage to have sex.

 But Christians didn't live up to Biblical principles the way they should have. They didn't vote the way they should have, and they slowly became more and more like  the world, until they accepted sin, and now they are faced with a sin they consider worse than the rest, and they are stuck.

 Homosexuality is not the only sin we need to avoid. There are plenty others. And everyone should be more careful with what we view and allow in our homes. It is only going to get worse.

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