
Thoughts of a messed up Christian saved by God's grace

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Late October musings

  It is 7:17 pm. I have been home from work relaxing and eating supper for an hour......well, not eating supper all that time. I really have nothing pressing until I head to bed at 9:30.... I go to bed pretty early when I work the next morning. Since I have nothing pressing to do, I decided to blog about some things that are on my mind:

1) October

  I can't believe we are at the end of October already. It does seem the older I get, the faster time goes. The days are getting colder, and it is getting dark earlier and earlier. Winter is right around the corner, and this guy is not happy about it.

2) The 10 plagues

  I feel like I am having the 10 plagues at my place. For the last couple of months I have been battling flies and stink bugs. It became routine to kill several flies and a few stink bugs in my room every night before going to bed. The flies also invaded the library and laundry room, but oddly enough left the spare bedroom alone. I have fly tape hanging up in the hardest hit rooms, and have replaced them all because they got so full of dead flies.

 And then last week, the ladybugs began to swarm. I swept 108 up in one evening with my vacuum cleaner....... and yes, I counted them.

 Add to that the occasional wasp and even a hornet, and it does feel like my own version of the plagues. I don't like the colder weather, but it does seem to be chasing the bugs away.

3) The church chairs

  I mentioned a while back that my church was building on. They are making the sanctuary bigger, the vestibule bigger, and already made the bathrooms bigger. I am in the minority that we didn't need a bigger sanctuary. Bathrooms.... most definitely. I also mentioned that to save money, the church was going to chairs instead of pews...... and that I was against it. Well, this past Sunday was the first services with the chairs, and the verdict is in: I don't like them. It makes the church look more like a theater than a church, you have no place beside you to lay any belongings you have with you, and you have no choice how close you sit to the people beside you. I still totally dislike them, which seems to be an unpopular opinion, but when did I go with the status quo just to make people happy?

4) Friend's visit

 My best friend visited me for 4 days this past week, and I enjoyed having him here. He lives 400 miles away, so we don't get to see each other very often. We did some shopping, ate out a few times, watched some movies, chatted a lot, and just hung out. I was sad to see him go, especially not knowing when we will be able to hang out again.

5) Christmas music

  The colder weather has got me in the mood for Christmas music. I typically start listening to it before now, but was slow getting in the mood for it this year. Getting a few new Christmas CDs helped me get in the mood, and I am listening to a playlist of Christmas favorites as I blog.

6) Bed & sink

 This may come as a surprise to people who have preconceived notions about bachelors, but I make my bed daily. I can't stand an un-made bed. I also cannot stand a sink full of dirty dishes, and usually have them done shortly after eating whatever I have cooked up.

7) Harvey Weinstein and Donald Trump

 There is a lot of outrage about Harvey Weinstein and his treatment of women......yet many of the same people defended Trump when he said he does the same thing, and defended his other moral failures. The Republican party nominated and elected a man who is just as bad as Weinstein. The Democrats have been doing it for years. I am still frustrated that my party picked such a horrible candidate, and that so many Christians defend his immoral acts, his vulgarity, and his immature attacks on Twitter. I get the people who voted for him reluctantly out of fear of Hillary.... but please don't defend the man's immoral and evil actions. A pastor's wife was trying to make Trump look better by bringing up the moral failures of Bill Clinton and other liberals. Is that what Trump has done to Christianity in America? Has he caused Christians to excuse sin and try to paint one person's sins as not that bad when compared to others?

 And for your viewing pleasure is a picture of the two men paling around together:

8) Disney

  OK, can Christians just stop supporting Disney? It is no secret they are very pro-gay and have been indoctrinating kids for a while. I read today that a show called "Andi Mack" is going to have a 13 year old boy experience feelings for other boys and explore his gay sexuality on this show that is watched primarily by 10 year olds. (Story here) Do Christians care enough about their kids to ban Disney? Do we care enough about the evil in Hollywood to start dropping TV stations and/or movies, or are we too addicted to entertainment to take a stand? If every Christian boycotted Disney and other shows/stations because of the filth and gay indoctrination, I believe it would force a change..... but we are too addicted to being entertained to take any kind of stand. Sadly, many Christians will allow their kids to watch this show.

9) Christmas lights

 I learned a lesson yesterday: One should see how many they have of something before buying more of that item. I wanted to make sure I have enough Christmas lights to do my front porch and most of my windows, so I bought 5 strings of used lights for $1 each. I then came home and went through my Christmas decorations and discovered I already had enough Christmas lights to do two houses.......and that may not be an exaggeration.

 Speaking of lights....I like colored. Some people use white lights, which is so boring and so every other day of the year. Christmas calls for colored lights. My tree has colored lights, but the rest of my family uses boring every day white lights. What can I say? I'm a colorful guy. :)

10) Hollywood and pedophilia

  Why do pedophiles get protected so much? There have been rumors for years of kids being sexually molested in Hollywood, and nothing is ever done about it. A while back, I reviewed a book titled "Love Hunger" by David Kyle Foster. David lived the gay lifestyle for several years, even resorting to prostitution. He was also in and around Hollywood and people of Hollywood for several years, and he said in his book that sexual molestation and exploitation of kids goes on all the time in Hollywood.

11) Coworker moving on

 There are 4 people who have the same position as me, and we cover two hospitals. One of my coworkers is moving on to another job in the hospital, which messes up the schedule. They hope to have a replacement around December 9, but the schedule up til then is going to be messed up. Before, I had the 3 days off after Thanksgiving. Now, I am working all 3 days after Thanksgiving. Ugh!

12) Not cracked up to what it is supposed to be

 Last night I did something for the first time in all of my life that I can recall: I ate a late lunch, and got hungry around 7:00. Fried eggs sounded good, so I got the frying pan ready and 3 eggs. I picked up the first egg to crack and dropped it on the floor.....and I discovered eggs are not that easy to clean up. Hopefully that doesn't happen again for a long time.

13) Christmas decorations

 I found out that I have a lot of Christmas decorations besides lights. I am leaning strongly towards putting all of my safari/wild animals decor away that is in my living room, and put Christmas decor in its place. I even have Christmas pillows. It will be a bother to switch out decor, but I won't have room for Christmas decorations if I don't. I do have a place picked out for my tree and nativity scene.

14) Christmas CDs

 One reason I start listening to Christmas music so early, is because I have so many Christmas CDs. I haven't counted them for a while, but I have well over 100. You can't listen to all of those in a week or two.....

 And you will not find a Christmas CD by Elvis among my Christmas CDs. I did buy one Christmas CD I am slightly ashamed of buying - it was only $1....and I won't say who it is by, though I will say it is a he and a very young he. :)

15) Halloween 

  I think I addressed Halloween in my previous blog post, but that is OK. The older I get, the more anti-Halloween I get. No, I don't snap a rude comment when someone wishes me a Happy Halloween. I just smile and keep silent. Why should Christians have anything to do with a holiday that is all about death, witches, zombies, vampires, and other symbols of death and evil? And no, I don't give candy out on Halloween either. Halloween turns kids into little beggars, and why should I give candy to little greedy kids I don't know? Blunt, but how I feel about it.

16) Book review opportunity

 I don't want to end on a negative note, so I will mention something cool that happened last night. An author commented on a book review of his book I did 3 years ago, Forever Christmas. He asked if I'd be interested in reviewing his new Christmas book, and of course I said yes. It was cool he kept track of my review and liked it well enough to send me his new book to review, which I am looking forward to reading and reviewing.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Mid-October musings

  I am trying to get back to blogging more often, but am still pretty dry on ideas. When that happens, I just do several random topics that come to me, or that have been on my mind. So that is what this post is. When I do these kind of posts, even I don't usually know what all I am going to talk about until it is all over and done.

1) The NFL protests

  I hate football, as anyone knows that knows me very well. I also don't like sports in general, especially professional sports. I think it is insane how much athletes get paid, and how obsessed with sports and sports figures America is. That said, even if I liked football and professional sports, I'd be disgusted with the protests lately. I don't like Trump and he needs to stay off of Twitter..... but these overpaid immature guys need to respect our flag and country and do their protests off the field. The popularity of the NFL is going down, and I think that is awesome.

2) Company

  My best friend and some of his family are in Lancaster, PA this week on vacation. They are heading my way today, October 12,  and are coming to see my place, then eat at Dutch House, a local restaurant that one of my sisters and all 3 of my nieces work at. My best friend, Steven,  will spend the night, then we will meet the rest of his family tomorrow in Sugarcreek, OH to shop and tour for a while. Then next Thursday, Steven is coming back to visit for a few days. I'm looking forward to both visits, and am going to have my house in tip top shape.

3) Ellen

 I mentioned Ellen Degeneres in my last blog, and how a couple of my young friends who also deal with same-sex attractions love her, and didn't appreciate me pointing out that she would mock us for not giving into our attractions, and that I don't believe a Christian should watch her show.

 I am not trying to belabor my point, and I am far from being perfect, but it seems we Christians aren't careful enough in what we view. There really isn't much on TV that Christians should watch, and there is a lot that we watch that we shouldn't. Ellen is just one of many shows a Christian shouldn't watch.

 Modern day Christians seem to have this attitude that we can do whatever we want as Christians and don't need to be careful in what we view, how we dress, where we go, who we hang out with, what we read, what we listen to, where we go, etc....I don't believe the majority of us are careful enough, nor do we seek God's approval/will on these things...... and I believe He does care.

 If Jesus was doing His earthly ministry today in 2017, I cannot imagine Him watching Ellen, Game of Thrones, or most of what we indulge our senses on.... although I doubt He'd waste His time on frivolous things like TV shows and movies, or even reading novels and other ways we entertain ourselves.

4) Christmas

 I love Christmas, and have been looking at the Christmas decorations I have. I have a lot. I don't even know where I am going to put everything. I am debating whether it is too much of a bother to put away some of my normal decor and replace it with Christmas, or what to do. I also have a lot of lights, and may put lights in all of my windows visible from the road....which are most of them. I think I may also put lights on the porch nearest the road also. We shall see. I do know it is coming faster than I want to think about.

5) Book

  I read the most awful book recently. It was one that I requested to review, and I wasn't the only person to not like it. I was given the option of just posting about a giveaway connected with the blog tour, so I did that.

 Here's the gist of the book: Bad boy, age 23, Noah is a drunk and does drugs. He lives with his older brother and wife, and his brother is a pastor. Noah is constantly with a different girl, and all that a guy like him would do with a girl. He meets a young girl in his town that is a Christian and good girl, and falls for her hard. He convinces her to go on a date and cleans up his act.. stops the drinking, drugs, and women. He asks her to marry him after knowing her a short while and she says yes. On a second visit, she walks in on him just as his ex girl friend kisses him without his consent. She runs, and he has no idea where she lives or why she isn't contacting him. He gets back to God and starts making something of his life, pining all the time for the girl he loves, and she is off somewhere pining for him. He builds a house with an art studio for her. The whole book you think they will get back together, but nope! She starts dating Noah's lawyer and somehow Noah and his lawyer never figure out the lawyer is dating the girl Noah loves. Noah's ex gets pregnant by another man and he marries her so she'll keep the baby and ends up deciding he loves her, and the girl he loved marries his lawyer and neither of the lovers know the truth or where each other is.

 It was a waste of time, and I hated it....plus the wrting wasn't too great, nor was there a murder as the book indicated. I seriously don't know of a book I disliked more than this one. Ugh.

6) Essential oils

 There are people who would disagree with me, but I view essential oils as the same as the snake oil of yesterday. I think it is a lot of hoopla, and people are putting way too much faith and stock in something that doesn't do what people claim that it does. I have a co-worker is a fanatic about them and actually carries several with her. She is a dealer and is against scented candles, pretty much all cleaning supplies, etc. She was telling us how bad all of these things are for you in our meeting, so I said if she scared anyone into getting rid of their scented candles, I'd be happy to take them. :)

 And I have essential oils of my own, but they actually do what they promise......

7) Flu shot

  Speaking of hoopla, there is a lot of hoopla about the flu shot. People are convinced it is bad for you and are sharing more horror stories about it than Steven King has written about anything. I have been getting one since I started working in a hospital, and think it would be crazy for me not to. My doctor even pushed it....though someone claimed the doctor may not be right....yet I should take the advice of my non-medical friend over my doctor....like that is going to happen. :)

8) Christmas CDs

 I am sure there are people who have more Christmas CDs than I have, but I have quite an extensive collection. I always buy a few new ones at the beginning of the season, and also end up buying a few after Christmas half off. I have three on order so far: Doug Anderson, Sam Levine (Sax), and Casting Crowns. I also may buy the new Alabama Christmas CD.

9) Donald Trump

  I still have strong feelings about Donald Trump, and his nomination did damage to my faith in ways pro-Trump people would never understand, nor may they care. The most difficult things for me was having other Christians who tried so hard to get me to go against my conscience and vote for a man I felt I could not vote for as a Christian. If anyone should have understood that, it should have been other Christians. The other difficult thing for me is how so many Christians defend and excuse behaviors in Trump that the Bible condemns and they'd never approve of in someone else.

  The last election has really changed me and affected me. I may never tell anyone again who I am supporting and voting for. If it is so important to us to get our candidate elected that we resort to bad attitudes and the stuff that went on from all sides this past election, then politics is too important to us and we would be better off not voting at all if we resort to name calling, lies, false accusations, and trying to get people to go against their conscience.

10) Sam Levine

  I mentioned a Christmas CD by Sam Levine that I have on order. Sam Levine is a great saxophone player who I enjoy listening to more than Kenny G. Sam does a variety of CDs. He has done several Christian CDs, music from the 50's, 60's, and even hit songs from movies. I have several of his CDs and look forward to hearing this new Christmas CD of his. I already have one Christmas CD he did several years back. I definitely recommend him.

11) Halloween

  Halloween has become one of my least favorite holidays, if not the very least favorite. I refuse to turn my light on so a bunch of little beggars can come and take candy that I'd rather eat myself. Cynical, I know.

 When I was a kid, my parents took us trick-or treating to people we knew. We were not turned loose in a neighborhood where we didn't know anyone.

 Several years ago, I spoke on Halloween at my church. I have read more since then and am more convinced than I was there that Halloween is a holiday Christians should not observe or have anything to do with. Radical I know, but that is what I believe after what I have read and studied about it.

 I recommend the book pictured below, which I somehow ended up with two copies of.

12) Weird sale

  I love to shop at used stores. You never know what kind of treasures you may find there. One such store is the Re-store near me. It is run by Habitat for Humanity, and though their main focus is on furniture and housewares, they also carry books, CDs, and a lot of other "stuff'". Today, they had a sale "25% off all red things". I wasn't sure what that entailed, and was surprised when I got to the register and they discounted all but one item I had because they all had some red on them somewhere. The odd item out was a CD that has a blue cover. I was happy at the unexpected discount. 
13) Stereo

 I bought my biggest purchase on eBay..... a stereo. I gave up on getting the 5-disc changer working on my stereo. It skips and starts the CDs over. The tape decks don't work, and I am just using it to play my computer and DVDs through. I searched on eBay for a Sony 5-disc changer, hoping to find the same model....unlikely, I know. I didn't find one, but I found a Sony that is very similar. It has a 5-disc changer that works and 2 tape decks that work. It has no speakers, but mine will work and I would want to use my speakers anyway...... they are epic. When I bought my stereo around 20 years ago, they didn't have the speakers that went with it in stock, so they gave me bigger and better speakers with more watts than what came with the stereo. I'll use them as long as  they work. They truly are epic. :)

  And that is all for this blog post.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

A walk through my bachelor pad

This blog post is for people who may be interested in what my place looks like now that I am completely moved in and everything is in place.

First, the outside:

Next, inside: the downstairs.

 There is an entry way, and off it is the kitchen and an all purpose room. First, the kitchen:

And then the all purpose room:

Off the all purpose room is the downstairs bathroom and the living room, which also connects to the kitchen.


Living room:

There is a small hallway that leads to the dining room. The hallway has a door to the basement on the left and a door going outside on the right.

The dining room:

The majority of these CDs are Southern Gospel, with the last couple of shelves holding instrumental and some Praise and Worship and Christian Contemporary. The shelf is supposed to hold 428 CDs, though I left room to add more.

All CDs are alphabetized by artist, separated by genre'

This CD shelf holds my Christmas CD, and some of my Christmas DVDs, mostly music ones.

And this one holds the rest of my P&W and CCM, along with some country.

The piano I learned to play on many years ago

Off the dining room are the steps upstairs. To the left in the upstairs hall is the library. The books are all alphabetized by author, separated by genre': fiction, non-fiction, Christmas, humor, devotionals, and Bibles. The Narnia books are also separate with my Narnia movies and other Narnia "stuff."

The spare bedroom, which also holds my non-fiction books and Christmas books:

My bedroom: 

And lastly, the upstairs bathroom which is very conveniently off of my bedroom:

Not shown: The storage room, which is off the muti purpose room downstairs..... and the laundry room, which is off the upstairs bathroom. :)