
Thoughts of a messed up Christian saved by God's grace

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ragamuffins out of the closet (3 of 3)

   There is a term they have come up with when a gay person quits hiding the fact that he is gay, and announces it to the world: Coming out of the closet. They don't care who knows anymore.

  Maybe its time more people in the church, those of us who are ragamuffins, "come out of the closet". Admit what our struggle is, and that we need help.

  The devil is smart, and he has tricks and methods that have worked for centuries. I could be wrong, but I wonder if its part of his plan to cause this idea that we need to be silent about some sins and struggles? His reason could be two-fold, that I can see:

 First off, people who struggle in silence have a harder time of it. They are more apt to fail and give up.

  Secondly: When people do come forth and admit to a struggle, they are often used of God to encourage others, which Satan would not want.

  I am not a big fan of Michael English's singing. He was OK in the Gaither Vocal Band, but I'd never buy one of his CDs, but I admire him. He had an affair, and admitted to it. He got addicted to painkillers, and got help and admitted to it. I find him inspiring and encouraging. Some may still hold his sins and failures against Him, but God has forgiven him and is using him.

  Brennan Manning, author of the book that has so helped me, was an alcoholic. He sought help and fully admitted often that he had been an alcoholic, and God used him in ways that He never could have if he had suffered in silence.

  There are those who have battled porn, same-sex attractions, drugs, and other things who got victory and are out there writing books, blogs, speaking, and doing their best to tell others their story. Why? To show the work of God in their life, and to encourage others who are where they have been that yes, they can make it with God's help. They are not alone, there is hope.

  That sure sounds like something the devil wouldn't be happy with, so he continues to work on Christians to act hateful toward some sins, to make people dealing with certain sins or issues that they are all alone, and they need to keep it a secret, or their church and friends will condemn and avoid them.

   I have had people tell me things that blew my mind. I had no idea. Just recently, someone I know casually, and have never met told me a secret. Its not horrible, but its something she hides from even family.

  I have 367 friends on Facebook, and many friends outside of the internet. How many of them are dealing with some issue they are afraid to tell anyone about? How many could be helped if someone else "came out of the closet" and admitted they struggled in that area, or had struggled and gotten victory.

  Some are doing it. Thank God for those who have been brave enough to quit hiding, and risked it all to admit it:
"I'm an alcohloic"
"I'm addicted to porn"
"I was molested"
"I'm attracted to the same sex"
"I'm having marriage problems"
"I'm suffering from depression"

  God has a way of using the bad in our lives for good. The people who love the most, who are not judgmental, who have reached people dealing with some bad stuff, are often the ones who dealt with some bad stuff themselves. Who knows the people we could reach and help if we quit hiding. Is there risk? Yes, but life is risky, and if God has helped us, we kind of owe it to Him to let others know, and try to help others.

  It is rough thinking you are the only one dealing with an issue. To sit in a church full of people who seemingly have it all together. I'm not necessarily talking about a sin issue. There are other things that we feel ashamed to admit we are dealing with. Afraid to be judged, condemned, avoided.... how awesome would it be to know there are others who have been where we have been, who have gone through the same valley, struggled with the same sin, who hasn't had a bed of roses being a Christian.

  When we come to God, the masks have to come off. He sees right through them, and we may try to cover our sin or scars, but He can see everything. There may be some things we need to keep between God and ourselves, but there are other things that God may be able to use, may be able to use US, if we come out of the closet of silence and shame and admit it.

  Will we face people who will judge us? Avoid us, gossip about us, condemn us? Most likely. But not all will, and chances are, there is at least one person who is cowering, struggling, who may end p coming to us for help and encouragement they so desperately need. It won't be easy. Often doing  the right thing isn't easy, and we get fought, but if we help and encourage others, and point them to our Savior...... isn't that what its all about?

  What good is having a testimony of God's help and deliverance from something of you can never tell anyone? If God heals from cancer, the person will testify, some even write books, but what about being delivered from and getting victory over something like porn..... why must some even hide their victories, while others shout them from the roof tops.

  I could be wrong, but I do believe if more people were honest about what they are struggling with, and about what God has helped them with, there would be more people encouraged and getting help from the same issues. If we come out of the closet with what we are going through, and how God has helped us, the sky is the limit on what God could do. So what is holding us back? People...... Christian people.

  Maybe we all need to stop caring so much about what people think of us, and telling God to use us, even if it means shouting from the housetop what we have wanted to hide forever. If He receives glory, and if others are helped, wouldn't it be worth it all in the end?


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