One more day in November, then November 2018 will be history, and December will be here.... then we will blink and it will be 2019. It doesn't seem that long ago that everyone was freaking out about 2000....and here we are almost 19 years later.I had the urge to blog, so here is my latest mix of "stuff". I actually started it last night, so I had to change a few time references.
1) The mouse
I still have a mouse. Ugh. There is a kind of trap a Facebook friend suggested recently, but I can't find the post where he put the link. I have had one for a few months now. The first one took at least a month to catch, but this one is proving to be more difficult to catch. I have a lot of my pans and other stuff where it can't get to them. My silverware and other utensils are in plastic containers. I thought that I had the dishes in my dish drainer covered well enough, but found evidence this morning that I did not....so I had to wash all of those dishes a second time.
I put out 2 new glue traps and stuck half a miniature chocolate bar in the middle of each. No luck today, but it seems to wander at night. Here is hoping. There is one trap in the kitchen, and the other in the living room.
My sister had one and caught it immediately. Why I don't have that luck is beyond me, but it is really frustrating.
The dishes that would be in my dish drainer are in a plastic tote with a couple of dish towels at the bottom. Yeah, I could dry them and put them away, but who wants to actually dry dishes? That is what the dish drainer is for....
2) The battery
Yesterday wasn't so great. I had to have my car jumped at work a few weeks ago. I had Autozone check my battery, and they said it was at 66%, which is OK. They also said the alternator was OK. I went to leave work last night, and the car wouldn't start. I got it jumped and headed for Autozone, and they did not have a batter for my car. I checked Advance Autoparts, and the ones they had were up around $190.
I headed for home and went to O'Reilly's near me. The battery was $155, plus tax.....an expense I sure don't need. They figure it is the age of the battery. My car is a 2010, and seemed to have the original batter on it. The one dude at O'Reilly's said most batteries that come with the car last around 5 years.
I was hungry, so I walked next door to McDonalds. I didn't really want it, but it was close to 7 pm and I was hungry. I ordered a 10 piece nugget and a fry... and got the wrong order. I was eating my fries at the auto parts store and discovered there were no nuggets, but a quarter pounder that had mayo on it....yuk. I gave it do the dude who put my battery in. I came home and didn't want to take much time to get supper, so I heated leftovers that have a lot of carbs... and didn't care. I was already an hour later getting home than normal.
When my order was handed to me, I wasn't really paying attention. I did wonder about them giving me a free pie for my wait, since I didn't think it was that long. :)
3) Chik fil a
I was reading a news article today that told of a university that did a survey to see what restaurant the students wanted on campus. Chil fil a was the choice by a large majority. However, the university won't allow it because the restaurant chain does not reflect their values.......or lack of, more aptly put.
It is insane how so many liberals hate Chik fil a and boycott them because of the owner's stance on marriage. If I avoided every store and restaurant that reflected my values, I wouldn't have many options.
I loved the first comment I read on the story: "I am a proud homosexual male, but I'll tell you what ... nothing comes between me and God's chicken. Edit: the *only* thing that comes between me and God's chicken are Sundays. Lol. In that case I've been known to stock up on Saturday."
So evidently not all gay people are boycotting the restaurant.
Recently, the CEO of Twitter was raged against because he dared to eat there. There are other insane instances of the hate towards Chik fil a, but it sure doesn't seem to be hurting their business one iota. Whatever an iota is.
These idiots are just depriving themselves of some great chicken.
4) Funny Facebook comment
Evidently not everyone who is friends with me on Facebook or in the real world knows my deep, dark secret. Just to be goofy, I posted this on Facebook:
"Baby, if it's that cold outside; I wouldn't have come to see you in the first place. #Christmassongsihate"
I got this reply: "you just have not met that special women that understands and loves you"
I replied: "if you think that, you don't know me very well" (smiley face)
Their reply: "just trying to encourage, I did wonder if there was one women that perfect"
Yeah, that is exactly it. I can't find a woman perfect enough. :)
5) Justin Lee, and "side A Christians"
I discussed this a bit a while back, but it is really bothering me. In a nutshell, Side A Christians are those gay/SSA people who believe God is fine with a sexual relationship between 2 people of the same sex, and believe God is OK with gay marriage. Side B tends to cling to their gay identity, but go with the Biblical view of sexuality.
Here is what bothers me: A lot, possible most or all, Side B Christians have no problem with calling the Side A people "Christians." I reviewed and have talked about David Bennett's book a lot, but that is one issue I had with his book...that he gave any credence to Side A's Christianity.
But how can anyone twisting what the Bible says about sexuality, and having a relationship with the same sex be a Christian? I asked that on a post by Bennett, and it did not go over too well.
Justin Lee is one of the most outspoken "Side A" people. I asked how many people are he and others like him going to deceive and help go to hell by spreading their very wrong views and beliefs?
Yeah, I personally have SSA, but I also firmly believe the Bible forbids sex between 2 people of the same gender, and you cannot be a Christian and do that.
And maybe I am wrong on this: I fear that if the "Side B" crowd continues to give credence to the so-called Christianity of "Side A", it may cause them to drift to that side eventually. It has happened already with some.
The thing is, if you can believe people are Christians who are doing what you are trying not to do, how long before you decide it is OK for you also? Am I wrong on my thinking? And am I the only one with those concerns?
6) The book
There is an author I really like who has written 2 books. He is a police officer, and is a Christian. The two books he wrote are awesome, clean, and curse free. He recommended a book by an author I think he said was a friend. Here is the description:
Based on personal experiences by the Wall Street Journal and Amazon #1 bestselling military thriller author Jeffrey Wilson, War Torn is an inspirational novel that details a young man's crisis of faith after a tour of combat duty in Afghanistan turns tragic.
Jake is a solid American, a young husband, a good friend, and a patriotic member of the National Guard. While his family and Christian values define who he is, he has never fully understood the passion for faith that his wife, Rachel, and his best friend and fellow soldier, Cal, seem to share. But when Jake and Cal are deployed with their unit to Afghanistan, Jake depends heavily on the quiet but powerful faith of his best friend and embraces, finally, a relationship with God. Despite the horrors he experiences in war and the pain of his separation from Rachel, Jake has found his way for the first time—until a crippling loss shakes his newfound faith to the core and makes him question where God is in his struggles, or if God even exists at all.
Can a loving wife’s faith carry a broken man through the most difficult challenge of his life? Can a committed pastor put his own struggles and doubts aside to help heal a wounded marriage? Like so many combat veterans, Jake must find his way back to his family even after returning from Afghanistan, and learn to find God in the fog of war that follows him home.
I bought the book, and finished reading it this evening. Unfortunately, it has a lot of bad language..even the f-word said by a Christian, and even by the pastor cursing in his prayer. It is weird to read a book that has so much Christian content and Christian message, but have bad language spread throughout the book. I guess the author is a Christian, but he evidently has no problem with vulgarity. (But then Trump supporters don't seem to either.....) :)
Cursing aside, it was an awesome book that gave a realistic look at what our soldiers face on the field, and what it is like to come home messed up from what they have seen and done. The story is at least part autobiographical.
7) Winter In the Aire
My best friend and I rag on each other about our music tastes. We have very different tastes, and it is rare that we like the same singer or CD.
But it has happened.
David Arhuletta finishes second on American Idol in 2008. He released a Christmas CD two years later that I like. He was like five years at that time. (He was actually around 20, but looked like a kid). Eight years later, he has released another Christmas CD, Christmas In The Aire. Eight of the twelve songs are classics, and four are new. And my best friend and I both like the CD. A lot. I recommend it.
Maybe my friend's music tastes are improving.....
A song off David's first CD that is a favorite is Pat a Pan. I heard the song years ago by Mannheim Steamroller, and didn't know it had words until I heard it by David Archuletta. The words go fast, and there is no way I could sing the whole thing.
Guillo, prends ton tambourin,
Toi, prends ta flute, Robin
Au son de ces instruments
Tu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pat-a-pan
Au son de ces instruments
Je dirai Noel, gaiement.
Willie, bring your little drum.
Robin, get your fife, and come,
And be merry while you play.
Tu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pat-a-pan
We will listen as you play
For the joy for Christmas day.
When the men of olden days
Gave the King of Kings their praise
They had pipes on which to play.
Tu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pat-a-pan
They had drums on which to play.
For the joy of Christmas day.
God and man became today,
More in tune than fife and drum,
So be merry while you play.
Tu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pat-a-pan
Come be merry while you play
On this joyous Christmas day.
While the angels wing
To the newborn King,
I will sing for the blessed Babe
On this joyous Christmas day.
God and man became today,
More in tune than fife and drum,
So be merry while you play.
Tu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pat-a-pan
Come be merry while you play
On this joyous Christmas day.
While the angels wing
To the newborn King,
I will sing for the blessed Babe
On this joyous Christmas day.
Tu-re-lu-re-lu-ra-le. Come and hear them patapan.
Bring your little drum.
Robin, get your fife and come.
Tu-re-lu-re-lu-ra-le. Come and hear them patapan.
Men of olden days
Gave the King of Kings their praise.
On this joyous Christmas.
Bring your little drum.
Robin, get your fife and come.
Come be merry.
Men of olden days
Gave the King of Kings their praise.
On this joyous Christmas.
Bring your little drum.
Robin, get your fife and come.
Come be merry.
Men of olden days
Gave the King of Kings their praise.
On this joyous Christmas
8) Had it been Obama....
**Do not read this section if you can't handle Mr Trump being criticized.
On the heels of the most criticized president by conservatives, we suddenly have a man who seemingly can do no wrong, and who his supporters and voters don't want criticized. I am an equal opportunity guy, and dislike both men and criticize both.
I have a lot of issues with Trump, but one that really bothers me about people in my party is their silence when Trump does or says something stupid or something Obama was rightly criticized for.
Example: He was talking about raising the gas tax 10 cents....and there was silence among conservatives.
There have been other things, like funding Planned Parenthood, nominating the first gay ambassador, etc.
The newest "had it been Obama" regards guns. I remember when Obama was trying to ban bump stocks. My fellow Republicans were all up in arms....no pun intended. Trump is trying to do the same thing, and no one is saying anything. When Trump was running, I was told over and over that if Hillary won, we'd lose our guns. This is the second attack on gun rights by Trump, and he is going unchallenged....because it is Trump. It would be ironic if after all the warnings about Hillary, that Mr Trump is the one who deals a blow to our gun rights.
When he was running for president, Trump said he could shoot someone on the streets of Manhatten and not lose any votes.....his words. One has to wonder if there is anything he could do that would earn criticism and an outcry among his supporters. I still feel he is destroying conservatism, and I am not the only one who feels that way.
A friend who shares my views said that if Trump suddenly announced he was gay and married a man, many of his evangelical supporters would suddenly be OK with gay marriage. It does seem to be that bad.
If Trump supporters held him to the same standards we have held other politicians to, I might be able to stomach this presidency a little.
9) Mary Did You Know (MDYK)
MDYK is one of my favorite new Christmas songs. The first time I heard it, it was sung by Kenny Rogers and Wynonna Judd, and it remains my favorite recording of the song. Most likely it is because the first version I heard.
The coolest version I heard was at a Gaither Homecoming Concert. Mark Lowry and Buddy Greene sang it. Mark wrote the words, and Buddy wrote the music. It was a moment.
I read a while back that a lot of Catholics don't like the song. They take issue with the line "this child that you delivered will soon deliver you." They believe Mary was sinless.....she was not... so she did not need deliverance in their eyes.
10) Angel tree
Every year I find myself wishing I could do the Angel Tree. It is a program where underprivileged kids write what they want for Christmas. You take an angel with their list on it, and buy and wrap what they want. I am afraid I'll get one with a bunch of stuff I can't afford.
Country singer Jimmy Wayne was an Angel Tree recipient when he was a kid. He wrote a song and book about it, and the book was made into a movie. It is a rather moving account, and it is amazing where he came from.
11) The youngest nephew
The youngest of my nieces and nephews, Nathan, will be turning 12 on December 3. They aren't so little anymore. This little rascal has declared that he doesn't want any gift bags, but wants his gifts wrapped. I always give them money for their birthdays, and am tempted to wrap his money... in a few boxes.
12) Job
I really like my current job, and it is the best one I have ever had. I still live for my days off. I enjoy sleeping in and not having to wear a tie and blazer all day. Well, I wear pants, shirt, and shoes too....
Before I did this job, I was the greeter in the Emergency Room. I liked it, but there was a lot of drama and complaints about wait times and other issues. I don't think I ever received so many compliments about my work as when I did that job. I would never tell the people who currently do that job, but I still have E.R. nurses and supervisors tell me they miss me over there and that I need to come back.
At this point, I wouldn't want to. I work 4 10 hour days, and they work 3 12's. I don't work holidays, and they do.
13) Eating right
I am getting into the groove of eating better. I like chicken and salads, so I eat a lot of both. Sweets are so much easier to avoid though than breads, pastas, potatoes, etc. The thing that I think is weird is that some vegetables are high in carbs. You'd think veggies would be good for you no matter what they are.
The gross ones are good for you: asparagus, brussels sprouts, cabbage....and green beans. The latter aren't a favorite, but I eat them. Cream of mushroom soup is the best way to eat them. :)
14) Key Lime Pie
Speaking of eating right, there is a key lime pie recipe my family makes that isn't too bad for you. And it is easy. You just take a lime jello - we use sugar free - make it with 1/4 cup of water, mix it with 2 lime yogurts and an 8 oz whipped topping. Put in a graham cracker pie crust, and refrigerate. We put whipped topping on top of it too. It is so good and so simple. I may make one tomorrow. :)
Other flavors can be made also. Just buy a flavor of jello and the same flavor of yogurts.
15) A vegetarian world
I wonder if vegetarians ever think of what the world would be like if everyone was like them. There would be no reason to raise animals on a farm, because they wouldn't be eaten. There would be no reason to keep cows, chickens, pigs, etc around. They would just run wild and probably have their numbers diminish.
I could never be a vegetarian. I love meat too much. There is a nurse in my doctor's office who is one. She is super nice and isn't offensive about it, but has made statements like no animal has to die for her to eat, and she won't eat something that had a face. I love meat, so I am fine with that. :)
16) Transgender
The transgender thing is getting beyond insane. I feel bad for those who feel they aren't the gender they are, but the solution is not to attempt a sex change. This is an unpopular stance, but you cannot change your gender. Oh, you can mutilate your body and take hormones and all that, but you will always be the gender you were born. It is sad it is so supported and encouraged. Statistics show those who attempt a change have much more likelihood of suicide than those who do not. It is also true that many regret the attempted change.
I read an article where the author made the point that instead of trying to change the outside to mirror what they feel inside, the reverse should be worked on: work to make the inside match what is outside.
What is saddest is that kids are encouraged to do this. I read a news story today where a mother wants her little boy to be a girl, and a court ruled the father cannot tell him he is a boy and cannot discourage the attempts to make him a girl. There needs to be a law passed that you must be 18 to do that.
People need to stand up to this stuff. There are several cases where men claiming to be women are beating women in women's competitions, and have even hurt women. These women need to take a stand and refuse to compete against a man claiming to be a woman. Yeah, they'd get a lot of flak for it, but it is just getting insane.
I have felt for a while that pedophilia would be legalized here some day. It is legal to murder babies in the womb, it is legal to try to change a child's gender, gay marriage is legal, there is a push to normalize incest, and there is already a small push to normalize pedophilia. I am 100% convinced that liberals in general do not care about kids, and the same party to push and legalize all of the above will some day push to legalize pedophilia. If you are paying attention, it isn't that much of a stretch.
I hope I am wrong, but we are sliding down a slippery slope at an alarming rate of speed.
17) Giving Tuesday
This past Tuesday was Giving Tuesday. I will close this post with a tweet from Twitter by a guy I follow, Ben Finger. I thought it was good:
It's #givingtuesday and my hope is that you all may consider giving your table. During the holidays celebrate one another: the friend, the family, the neighbor, the coworker, and the stranger. The gift of loving hospitality is one of the most precious gifts we may ever give.