
Thoughts of a messed up Christian saved by God's grace

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A long walk home

I just did something brave. A friend posted a pro-50 Shades of Grey post on Facebook, and I politely gave a very watered down opinion of why I disagreed with her that the movie and books are OK and people shouldn't have an issue with them. I think we are still friends.

  I recently had a conversation with a friend of mine who is Calvinist. We discussed Calvinism and I tossed out some reasons I don't believe that way, and we had a good discussion on it. I didn't throw everything I had at him, and he came back with his answers to my questions. We parted as friends and he assured me I did not offend him with my questions.

  The world has become a crazy place in many ways, and one way is that no one can disagree with anyone anymore. If you do, you hate them, and are a bigot.

Dare to say homosexuality is wrong, and that you believe that gay marriage is not Biblical or right, then you are  homophobic, hate gay people, and you need to be shut up.

Dare to oppose abortion and call it what it is - killing a baby - you hate women and don't believe women have rights.

Oppose a black president because his policies are so opposite yours there is no way you'd vote for him, then you are a racist and hate all blacks.

Speak up against radical Muslims, and you are accused of hating all Muslims.

  There is rarely any polite and civil disagreement anymore. From the political scene to the religious world, no one can disagree anymore without it becoming a verbal sword fight. Even those who try to be civil are attacked and shredded by those whose viewpoints they disagree with.

 Newsflash: We are all unique individuals who are raised in different backgrounds. We are not always right, nor are we always wrong (unless you're Barak Obama,,,,, can't think of anything he has been right on......). And just because someone disagrees with us, does not mean they hate us, or that we are hateful bigots.

  Do I think 50 Shades of Grey is a horrible pornographic, S&M movie that no one should see? Yes, a thousand times yes! Does that make me hateful, judgmental, or a prude? No! I have good reasons for believing that way, and I believe I am right, or I would reverse my belief.

 Do I believe homosexuality is a sin, that gay marriage should not be legal? That God's Word condemns it as a sin, and His Word only allows for marriage between a man and woman? You betcha. Does that make me a homophobic bigot? Absolutely not, though I have been accused of that, which is very, very ironic,

 Do I believe abortion is murder and should be outlawed? Man, do I. Does that make me anti-women, or anti-women's rights? No way. I am all for women's rights, but killing her baby is not a right, and I am weary of that argument.

 Do I believe Calvinism is right? No. I see a lot of holes, especially in 5-point Calvinism. Does that mean I hate Calvinists or believe they are going to hell? No way. I do believe only God knows our hearts, and there had better not be any sin there when we meet Him.

  I think it is sad that we live in a world where you can't disagree without accusations such as we get for disagreeing. I do believe some things are more important. I could hotly debate someone on abortion, and don't believe you can be a true Christian and support it, or consistently vote for pro-abortion candidates......but that doesn't give me the right to hate pro-abortion people, or refuse to be their friend.

  People CAN be Christians and disagree on stuff. It is part of the political game and agenda of the militant pro-gay people and others, to paint anyone who disagrees with them as hateful, and they use that kind of rhetoric to try to shut up those who disagree with them. While we should not let that stop us for exercising and protecting our freedom of speech and the freedom to have our own beliefs and opinions, we should never use that kind of rhetoric against those who disagree with us. It may sometimes be true. One only has to look as far as radical Muslims who do hate Christians and Jews, and there may be factions of the gay community and abortion industry who hate us for disagreeing with them, but we must always love, and never stoop to that kind of thinking, language, and rhetoric when people disagree.

  Those who truly follow Jesus need to band together. The day is coming when we will face persecution here in the USA. It is already happening to some on a small scale, usually if one doesn't agree with gay marriage, but if this country keeps sliding down the slippery slope we are on, it will worsen and it could be illegal some day here in this country to say some things are wrong, and it may be illegal to even be a Christian.

 If we Christians keep fighting among ourselves, it will be a long and lonely walk home. We need each other, and it is OK to disagree on different things, but one should never let those things split churches, families, and friendships.

  I do believe there are bigger issues where Christians may not, and should not, worship and run shoulders with others who twist Scriptures and teach a lie or false doctrine, but we should be careful in these areas. We truly need to come together and love each other and be there for each other. Christians should be known by their love, not by what we disagree on.

Long Walk Home

Verse 1
One man's trying to build a wall, one's trying to tear it down
One man hears a battle cry, the other hears a peaceful song
Some say once always saved, some say you fall from grace
But if we don't learn to love each other, listen when I say

It's gonna be a long, long walk home
Walking in our differences
It's gonna be a long, long walk home
If we don't walk in the love Jesus gives
If we spend all our time trying to be right
And fighting over who's been wrong
It's gonna be a long walk home

Verse 2
A local congregation singing “Just As I Am”
I hear the preacher saying “some day we''ll walk hand-in-hand”
I can't help but wonder why we don't do that now
If we don't lay aside our pride and learn to reach out

It's gonna be a long, long walk home
Walking in our differences
It's gonna be a long, long walk home
If we don't walk in the love Jesus gives
If we spend all our time trying to be right
And fighting over who's been wrong
It's gonna be a long walk home

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