
Thoughts of a messed up Christian saved by God's grace

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Who are we getting our belief system from? The Bible, or society?

   I'm sure I don't have the highest IQ around, but I've noticed a sad trend just in my lifetime, and looking back over history, I see it has been a trend for a long time: getting our morals and belief system from society, even Christians.

    Somehow, somewhere along the line, society has become our moral compass of what is right and normal. Sometimes it is nothing major or damning, and other times it is.

There was a day people would have gotten in trouble for dressing (or undressing) as much as we do today, and sadly Christians have tagged along. The world is doing it, so they do it.

There was a day that people who struggled with same sex attractions hid it. Now they march in parades in major cities, showing their pride in their sin. (And for the record, no one should have to fear confessing that struggle, but it should be met with compassion and encouragement to change, not a blanket accepting that will help send them to hell)

There was a day that killing a baby in the womb was considered wrong, immoral, and murder. Now, is legal, defended, and a "right."

There was a day that women who dressed like men and men who dressed like women were considered an abomination. Now, it is discouraged to get rid of the differences between men and women and for is to all be one gender.

    The problem with ignoring the Bible and twisting Scripture to fit society's definitions of what is OK and normal, is that society is always changing, and depending on where and when you live, the norm can be different.

   There have been civilizations in the past and even now, where sex between adults and little kids has been encouraged, considered OK and normal......so is it OK and normal? If you're reading this, you're probably feeling revulsion at the very idea....... but what if it becomes legal here? People never thought abortion and homosexuality would become accepted and defended as they are. We are bigoted, hateful, and intolerant for standing against them, for daring to go with what God says about them, instead of what modern America says about them...... and it could happen here, will most likely happen some day if this nation continues to cast God aside and let the immoral dictate to us. I just read an article that said there is already a push on by some people to make pedophilia a protected class, to consider it normal...... I don't think its a matter of IF, but WHEN that will happen.

  There have been civilizations in the past, and now, where child sacrifice was encouraged, was OK, normal, and required. We already have that. We call it abortion, but it is child sacrifice. Babies being sacrificed on the altar of "women's rights." The day will come when euthanasia will be normal, OK, and defended..... once a nation starts down the slippery slope, there is no stopping it. We already kill the most innocent of lives, and those who stand against it are hated and ridiculed. The day will come when we euthanize those who are considered useless and a drain on society: the ill, the elderly. Again, it isn't IF, but WHEN.

   There are other sinful practices that would make us cringe in revulsion, but have been accepted at different times through the years by different civilizations and society. Why are we repulsed? Because OUR country and society still says they are wrong and not normal.

  It is time we take the Bible out and go back to what God says. It is time the Christians get a backbone and stand against what the Bible says is wrong. It is time we quit trying to make our religion and belief system fit with society's definition of what is OK and normal.

It is time we call homosexuality what it is: sin, immoral, and wrong.
It is time we call abortion what it is: murder
It is time we call couples living together and having sex before marriage what it is: sin and immoral
It is time we quit voting for candidates who cheer on and further the causes of sins like abortion and homosexuality

It is time we stop letting society define what we believe, and time we really lived as Christians, not as Christians "lite", just blending in with the world and being a few years behind what they are doing.

It isn't the world's fault we are in the mess we are in. It is ours, the Christians, for being silent, for not standing for what is right, for not standing against godless politicians who further the cause of sin, but voting for and supporting them, and while doing so, helping to further the sinful causes of abortion, homosexuality, and other immorality.

Its time we quit playing at being Christians, and really become Christians who live by the Bible, and instead of ignoring, twisting, and wiggling around verses that are too radical for today's society, become radical. Let's take our country back.

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