
Thoughts of a messed up Christian saved by God's grace

Friday, December 20, 2013

Nothin' but love

  There's been a lot of flack about the Duck Dynasty guy's gay comments. Most liberals want him tarred and feathered. Most Christians seem to support him, some want condemn him - guess it's OK to judge and condemn him, just not gay people....some ex-gays are supporting him and some are not,  and surprisingly, some gay people are supporting his right to say what he wants, even though they disagree with him.

  There has been a rise in Christians wanting to love, love, and love. Take this article for example where the author of the article condemns Christians for not baking gay wedding cakes or photographing gay weddings. She, like many other Christians, seems to think we should just chuck our convictions and rights out the window and do whatever gay people want us to do.

  A few years back, I ran across an interesting site: XXXchurch.com. No, its not a porn site. Its a site that in part seems to have been called that for shock value. The guys who run it go out and try to reach people in the porn industry. They even go to the porn conventions and hand out Bibles that say
"Jesus loves porn stars".

  They have befriended porn stars and even travel with one doing debates about porn. It all sounds noble, but from what I read, its all love, love, love.

  That's the issue I have with the guys above and the people who are on the "love gay people" bandwagon. They seem to be advocating that we give into whatever the people want, and just love and accept them....... but are we doing people any favors if we just cave in and never stand up to sin, never tell them that yes, we love you, but you're a sinner who needs Jesus? Are the porn stars getting the message that they need Jesus, or just that He loves them?

  I'm a big advocate of telling people God loves them, and of loving them. I needed that more than I got it. I still need it more than I get it...... yet even Jesus told people the truth while loving you. "Go and sin no more." He told parables of the dangers of not being ready for His return.

  I believe it is possible to love people into hell. To step aside and allow them to sin, to defend their right to sin and bake cakes, etc for their gay weddings, etc........ but if we just spout love - and that is important - but never address sin or stand up to it, we are likely to help those people end up in hell, where all the love in the world won't help them.

  I believe Christians can love people, whether the gay, porn star, or average sinner, while standing up to their sin and say "I love you. I'll be your friend, but I cannot do that." Take the Duck guy.....he could have been less crude and more loving in what he said......Jesus would never approve of sin, nor do anything to help people sin, just to show He loved them.

  What gets me about the whole gay issue, is why aren't the same Christians who think we should bake gay wedding cakes, doing more to love other sinners. The drug addict, the child molester, the murderer, the rapist, the thief......would they love them and ignore their sin? Would they encourage their sin and do more to help them feel comfortable in their sin? If not. why not? That's what they are saying we should do with gay people.......

  There is such a thing as tough love. And maybe that's what is needed here. No, I won't bake a gay wedding cake, but I will love you and be your friend. I'll invite you over for dinner or a BBQ.....and so forth.

   We are losing our freedoms, and the gay agenda is one of the biggest forces that is destroying them. Having Christians rail against Christians who are standing up for their rights and convictions, is just going to further the loss of our freedoms. It isn't going to win the gay couple to Jesus. No one is a lost cause, but a cake isn't going to win them. All it will do is make them happy they got a Christian to give in to what they want, and it is most likely they sought the Christian out so they could make a scene and sue him. It is no coincidence that they are seeking out Christian bakers and photographers. Its intentional.

 I may sound heartless, but I'm not. I get that we need to love people and show God's love, but I believe we can do that without stepping aside and doing what sinners want. We can say no in a gracious way and not spout hate.

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