
Thoughts of a messed up Christian saved by God's grace

Friday, December 13, 2013

Making a cake for sin

  There was a recent court case in Colorado where a gay couple sued a Christian bakery owner because he refused to bake a cake for their wedding. Gay marriage isn't legal in Colorado, so I don't know why this even happened, but the baker lost the case and was told to bake cakes for gay weddings, or go to jail. Link here.

  I posted a link to it and said that it was sad. A friend of mine posted this:
You know what keeps going through my head when I read this story? And no doubt I'll get flamed, but this is what I hear in my head: "inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these..." God loves these same sex couples, and while some of them have an agenda, our agenda is bigger...to love them into the kingdom. I don't think God would be angry that a baker made a cake for a same sex couple, but this only affirms in the minds of the gay community that Christians hate them, and if Christians hate them, how much more God must hate them.

  First off, let me say I get that Christians need to do a better job of loving gay people and people struggling with same-sex attractions. I really get it, and agree. I do, however disagree that Christians should have to do anything that violates their freedoms and forces them to make a cake, photograph, or have anything to do with a gay wedding.

  Here are my thoughts:
1) I don't believe it was an accident this couple asked the baker to make the cake. There have been too many cases like this in the news with bakeries, photographers, and t-shirt makers (the latter being asked to print t-shirts for a gay pride parade)

I believe these couples are deliberately seeking out Christian business to try to force them to cave, and to make a scene.

2) I do believe God might take issue with baking a cake for a gay wedding. The only marriage He endorses is between a man and a woman. His word says homosexuality is an abomination. A sin. So should a Christian bake a cake for something that is a sin? We wouldn't expect him to bake a cake to celebrate other sins?

3) A gay couple that is going as far as marrying is already bent on doing what they want to do. I'm not saying they are beyond redemption, for no one is, but a Christian baking their cake isn't going to win them to God. In fact, they will most likely walk off smug that they got their way. They won't be impressed that a Christian baked their cake.

4) Its true we need to love people, and try to reach them, but if we just go along with them on everything, will we ever win them? There is such a thing as loving people into hell. That's when someone is clearly living a sinful life - i.e. homosexuality - and we just pat them on the back and never disagree with them, never stand up to them.

5) There IS a gay agenda. If Christians just step aside and do whatever the militant gays want, the day will come where its taught in every school that homosexuality is normal from K-12 - they are doing it in some schools - and they will be taught to experiment with the same sex - it is being done in some schools.

The day will come when its illegal to say homosexuality is wrong. Pastors will face jail time and/or fines for speaking out against it. Its happening in other countries. Its no stretch to say it will happen here.

  And where do we draw the line. I believe the day will come here in America when the age of consent will be lowered to who knows what. The more wicked America gets, the worse it will get.

Should a Christian bake a cake for an adult male and his teenage boy lover? His 10 year old lover?  8-year old? You might scoff, but there are a lot of people in this country who want that to happen...... and we never thought gay marriage would be so widely accepted

What about a cake to celebrate an abortion? Ludicrous? They do them for divorces, which isn't a sin, but weird..... and one of the same bakers who refuses to bake cakes for gay weddings also refuses to bake "divorce" cakes.

What about the KKK? Should a Christian - how about a black Christian - have to bake a cake for a KKK meeting? The KKK guys need God's love too....... and that isn't a stretch. My brother-in-law used to work at a hardware store and a man came in with his KKK membership card to have it laminated. Paul refused, but if you apply the same logic to that as to gay people, Paul should have done it so the man wouldn't feel Christians hated him........

  I 100% believe that homosexuality is going to be the battleground for religious freedoms. The more the get their agenda furthered, the more Christians' rights are lost. They don't want tolerated, they want forced and total acceptance. They won't be happy until gay marriage is advertised and catered to as much as heterosexual marriage.

 They won't be happy until churches, Christians schools, and other Christian ministries have to hire openly gay people...... and it WILL happen. Cakes, photos, and t-shirts are just the start.

 I have two friends who disagree with me on the cake deal, and that's OK. Its a free country, at least somewhat free.... but its naïve to think a Christian baking a cake is going to do anything for the couple's views of God.. especially if they sought the baker out to make news and sue.

  And these people have to be stupid. Who in their right mind would want to have a cake made by someone forced to do so? Or photograph their wedding? I'd want someone wiling to do so.

  Lets flip the coin around: If Christians, by law, can be forced to do these things, then gay people shouldn't be allowed to turn away business for groups like Focus on the Family that they call "hate groups". A gay baker should have to put wording on a cake celebrating straight marriage. A gay t-shirt maker should have to make t-shirts decrying gay marriage......... you see, the liberals are happy with things being forced on Christians, but not on them.

  There is a variety of gay people out there. There are the ones in gay pride parades, the in-your-face ones. The ones who want to shove it down everyone's throats. The ones who seek out Christian bakers so they can sue and make a scene. Those ones...... the possibility of them being reached is slim. They are determined to do what they want to do. They are not beyond redemption, but baking a cake isn't going to make them into a saint. It will just make them happy they got their way.

  Then there are the gay people living quietly, wanting to be left alone. Gay marriage isn't too important to them, and they would never make a scene.

  Then there are the ones suffering silently in our churches. Afraid to tell anyone their problem.

They all need loved and reached, but caving into their demands and helping them celebrate their sin by baking cakes, taking pictures, or printing t-shirts won't do it. It may not even help. But it will help erode our already eroding religious freedoms - and that is what they want.

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