
Thoughts of a messed up Christian saved by God's grace

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Maybe it is Obama and Trump who are the bleep bleeps

  Donald Trump has made the news again with his term he used for Haiti and other such countries. The results were predictable:

His supporters: defense mode

Liberals: horrified and scandalized

  Can we stop with this junk? Why are we OK with our candidate doing/saying something, but condemn it in ones we don't like. I am sick of Christians defending everything Trump does and says that goes against decency and Biblical principles and values, but I am also sick of Obama supporters being horrified by Trump after we just had 8 years under the worst president we have ever had. A president who used vulgarity, attacked conservatives with incendiary language, hated America and whites, and stirred up hatred and racism against whites,  cops, and Christians. Obama is not a nice and decent man, and he is far from Christian. And that is OK for me to say.

 But it applies to Trump too. The words Trump said are not words decent and good men use. I don't care who uses that word and other curse words..... good and decent people don't use them.

 Nor do they defend people using them.

 And here's a newsflash, you self righteous Obama supporters: Your guy called Libya the same word, only ended it with show instead of hole. Where were you then? Why did you not take issue with it?

Because Obama said it, and you did just what you don't like Trump's supporters doing with him - you defended and excused everything your guy and said. Google some time the things Obama did to hurt the freedoms of Christians..... it is a long list.

 Maybe it isn't  these countries who are "bleep bleep".....maybe it is the last 2 despicable men we voted president who are the bleep bleeps. Get real people.......you cannot elect the low quality of men like Donald Trump and Barack Obama, and then be outraged when the other guy acts like your guy. And Hillary is no better, that faux Christian has a closet full of skeletons that need brought to light and she belongs in jail........and maybe her buddy Trump too for defending her and giving her money all these years.

 I really am sick of politics. I still believe 100% that Trump should never have won the GOP nomination, and that any Christian who voted for him in the primaries needs to repent......along with any who defend him on his strip clubs, his vulgarity, his immorality, his bragging about assaulting women, and more. The Bible says we are not to have any fellowship with darkness, so Christians nominated darkness..... a man pretty close to being like Bill Clinton. I get voting for him in the main election to stop Hillary, though he isn't much better.....he is doing some things that are good, so as long as he does that, his voters and supporters are happy. Many of them don't care what kind of man he is or what kind of language he uses.......as long as he does politically what they want, he can shoot people on the street and not lose voters......... his words, not mine.

 And the liberals should be ecstatic....Donald Trump should be their kind of man...serial adulterer, vulgar, misogynist, long time defender of liberals and their causes..... and donations to them and their causes, porn actress wife......why he is just the kind of man liberal love.....were it not for him doing things politically they don't like.

 Seriously, when are we going to start voting for decent and moral men again? I had hoped after 8 years of the awful Obama that we'd get a decent man, but my party let me down..... and continues to as they defend everything their man says and does.

 And then the hypocritical Obama voters are suddenly moral and concerned about how a president talks since it is a man they despise. Ironically, the vulgar and immoral Hollywood celebrities are loudest in their criticisms....... and it is nauseating.

 We have men who are vulgar and use incendiary language because we vote them in. And we can't fake outrage and be horrified when the guy in the other party talks like and does what our guy does if we are/were OK with our guy doing and talking that way.

 Want the Democrat to be decent and good? Then don't vote for men like Donald Trump.

 Want the Republican to be decent and good? Then don't vote for people like the Clintons and Obama.

 It isn't the countries that are what Obama and Trump called them......it is the men calling those countries that are the words they are using.

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