
Thoughts of a messed up Christian saved by God's grace

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Slavery, abortion, and Manasseh

I like reading about and studying about the Civil War. I've read books about slavery, about the Underground Railroad and how good people helped runaway slaves escape to freedom. There is something that really bugs me about the whole slavery issue. It wasn't just non-Christians who owned slaves. Many Christians in those times, and in other periods of history, also owned slaves. I would hope that the slaves owned by Christians were treated better, but the fact still remains that they owned slaves. That doesn't seem right, and I am sure I am not the only one who wonders about that. How did they justify it?

It seems the popular idea at the time was that black people weren't really people. They were looked on as animals, basically, so it was OK to own them, to force them to do labor and not allow them to go free.

Today, slavery is illegal in the USA, but we have another issue: abortion. It is legal to kill an innocent baby in the womb, as long as its the mother who wants it. It isn't a person (sounds familiar), but a fetus, a blob of tissue, and it isn't murder, but a procedure. Amazing that the same fetus or blob becomes a person and is murder if someone injures or kills the mother and the baby dies as a result. Suddenly, it is a baby, a person. It simply depends on who is behind the death.

We have become just as complacent and accepting of abortion here in the USA as they were of slavery. Do we really thing about what it is? They go up inside of the mother and rip the baby into pieces. And then there is partial birth abortion. A baby is partially pulled out of the mother's womb, and killed. It can't be pulled the whole way outside - its a baby then, and would be murder, but as long as part of it remains in the mother, it can be killed..... and Barak Obama supports it, and all abortions.

Obama is so pro-abortion, that he voted against a measure that would require doctors to save a baby that survived an abortion. Obama voted that they would have to leave that innocent baby lie there to die..... and he is the only one that voted that way. Yeah, our current president is fine with that, and is the most pro-abortion president we have ever had....... and countless so-called Christians voted for him. I say so-called, because I cannot believe a true Christian can vote for a pro-abortion candidate. If a candidate supported killing a baby that was 6 months old or a year, would we vote for him? Would we assume a Christian could support that candidate? Of course not! That is murder....... but so is abortion! It is still a baby in the womb, and is a brutal murder of an innocent life, and in most cases because the mother was too stupid to use birth control and doesn't want to deal with the consequence of having sex without birth control. Well..... that consequence is a life. God said in the Bible that He saw us in the womb...... God is pro-life.

I have a friend on facebook who used to attend my church with her family. She claims to be a Christian, but is very pro-Obama. She was cheering his re-election and knocking us for worrying and feeling let down, and commented that she would probably see her friend count go down. I commented that I wasn't deleting her, but couldn't understand how she could vote for such a pro-abortion candidate. She didn't reply, but a man did who was raised the same as me. He said that the dumb Christians always make a big deal about abortion and vote for people who are against it. He said its legal, and a woman's right, so just deal with it.

So.... if something is legal, that makes it OK and we shouldn't fight it? There have been - and are - societies and countries that were OK with kids being uses for sexual purposes by adults - and if this country keeps going the way it is, that could happen here. There have been times in history where child and/or adult sacrifices were legal and practiced... and other abhorrent practices. So since they were legal, did that make them right? Absolutely not... there has always been people to fight against evil practices, and is there many more evil than killing innocent babies?! How and when did we become so complacent about it?

I have always enjoyed reading about the different kings of Israel in the Bible. Israel would have a good king who worshipped God and led the people to do right, and then they would have a bad king who worshipped idols and led the people in sinful practices. One of the worst was King Manasseh. He was son of the great and good king, Hezekiah, but Manasseh did not follow his father's ways. He worshipped idols and encouraged and practiced child sacrifice. Child sacrifice. That sounds horrible and we wonder how people could do such a thing, offer their own child up as a sacrifice to a false god........ yet people are doing it today in America, and it is legal and encouraged. We don't call it that. We call it abortion, or "choice". Yet it is child sacrifice, but instead of to a god, it is to sacrifice to convenience and pleasure. Sacrificed so the mother doesn't have to deal with the consequence of careless sex.

How did we get to the point as a nation that we are OK with that, and political candidates run on the platform of supporting the right for a woman to murder her unborn child, and even further the cause and make us pay for it? When will we say "enough!" When will we get off our butts and quit believing the lies that its not a baby, that it is a woman's right to choose to kill it, and ignore the fact that the baby has no choice? The woman's rights ended when she spread her legs and had sex..... its her body, but it isn't her body that is being ripped apart by a butcher..... its the body of a baby, another life...... if she wants a body ripped apart, then why doesn't she let hers be butchered?

We aren't doing enough. Yes, we should support and elect pro-life candidates, but is that enough? If there was a building in your town where they were taking young children to be killed because the parents didn't want them anymore, would you sit idly by and figure its the parents right? No. You'd advocate it being stopped by any means necessary.... so why don't we feel that way about the unborn being slaughtered by the millions?

We shudder when we hear of someone blowing up an abortion facility, yet we cheer when the police kill someone to rescue one person...... it may sound extreme and un-Christian of me, but is it really that wrong to blow up an abortion facility, to kill people who are killing innocent babies? I'd never do it and never want to be associated with people who do, but why do we differentiate so much between those two things? Why are we OK with any measures necessary to save one or two people outside of the womb, yet are so complacent about more babies being killed in the womb?

This isn't popular and would be seen as judging, but I cannot believe a true Christian can vote for pro-abortion candidates. I had a lot of reasons to vote against Barak Obama, but abortion was a biggie. I cannot in good conscience vote for anyone who supports it and puts forth legislation to help it and to force us to pay for it. How can you call yourself a Christian if you vote for that? I don't care if it is legal.... it is murder and wrong!!

We have started down the slippery path with abortion. Once you cease to view all life as sacred and from God, there is no stopping. In this most recent election, a third state legalized euthanasia, physician assisted suicide. I am against that. For more than one reason. God decides when it is our time to go, we don't. And if we continue down this slippery slope, the day will come when euthanasia is not voluntary. We will euthanize the elderly and "useless" people in society. Impossible in America? No. There was a day when people thought killing babies in the womb was impossible and would never be legal here...... but it is. Legal, encouraged, and supported.

In China, women can be forced to have an abortion with the one child policy there, and women HAVE been forced to have an abortion. That could happen here. In fact, there is a court case going on right now, I forget what state, where a woman may be forced to have an abortion. A mentally challenged woman got pregnant somehow - possibly rape, they don't know. She has the mind of a child. Her parents are taking all the precautions and with her OK, are planning on the baby being adopted once it is born. However, social services has stepped in and taken the case to court. They want an abortion done, against the woman's wishes, against her parents' wishes. That is where we are headed in this country. I have no idea how the case will turn out, but what a shame that such a case is going on, someone trying to get an abortion forced on a woman. If we continue to elect politicians like Barak Obama, who do not hold life sacred, and Hillary Clinton, who is for euthanasia...... we will eventually get to the point of forced abortions and forced euthanasia. A country cannot continue to trifle with life and not hold it sacred, and not go further down the path like other countries and societies have done.

It took a war to free the slaves, and we are proud of what our men and president did at that time. It divided a country, but it freed men, women, and children who had no rights before the war. Maybe its time we got serious about the blight on our country - abortion, something far worse than slavery. Yes, it is legal, but so was slavery. And like slavery, it is morally wrong and no Christian should accept it and look the other way, and no Christian can or should vote for a candidate who is for it.

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